前回、M5stickCからUDPで加速度センサーの位置情報を文字列としてRaspberry Piに送信してみました。↓
ここまで出来れば、後はRaspberry pi側で文字列に応じてGPIOの出力操作をしてあげればメカナムホイールの制御は簡単に出来ます。今回はそこの部分についてまとめようと思います。
コントローラー(M5stickC) ⇒ UDP通信 ⇒ メカナムホイールラジコン(Raspberry Pi ZERO W)
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import network import time from socket import socket, AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM from m5stack import * from m5ui import * from uiflow import * from m5stack import lcd import imu imu0 = imu.IMU() wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) wlan.active(True) if not wlan.isconnected(): print('connecting to network...') wlan.connect('SSID', 'PASS') while not wlan.isconnected(): pass print('network config:', wlan.ifconfig()) serv_address = ("サーバーIP", ポート番号) s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM) #s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET、socket.SO_REUSEADDR、1) while True: if imu0.ypr[1] < -15 and -10 < imu0.ypr[2] < 10: lcd.clear(lcd.BLACK) lcd.clear(lcd.BLUE) message = "forward" s.sendto(message.encode("utf-8"), serv_address) print(imu0.ypr[1]) time.sleep(0.1) elif imu0.ypr[1] > 30 and -10 < imu0.ypr[2] < 10: lcd.clear(lcd.BLACK) lcd.clear(lcd.RED) message = "backward" s.sendto(message.encode("utf-8"), serv_address) time.sleep(0.1) elif -10 < imu0.ypr[1] < 10 and 20 < imu0.ypr[2]: lcd.clear(lcd.BLACK) lcd.clear(lcd.GREEN) message = "right" s.sendto(message.encode("utf-8"), serv_address) time.sleep(0.1) elif -10 < imu0.ypr[1] < 10 and -80 < imu0.ypr[2] < -20: lcd.clear(lcd.BLACK) lcd.clear(lcd.ORANGE) message = "left" s.sendto(message.encode("utf-8"), serv_address) time.sleep(0.1) elif -15 > imu0.ypr[1] and -80 < imu0.ypr[2] < -10: lcd.clear(lcd.BLACK) lcd.clear(lcd.PINK) message = "leftforward" s.sendto(message.encode("utf-8"), serv_address) time.sleep(0.1) elif -15 > imu0.ypr[1] and 80 > imu0.ypr[2] > 10: lcd.clear(lcd.BLACK) lcd.clear(lcd.YELLOW) message = "rightforward" s.sendto(message.encode("utf-8"), serv_address) time.sleep(0.1) elif 30 < imu0.ypr[1] and -80 < imu0.ypr[2] < -10: lcd.clear(lcd.BLACK) lcd.clear(lcd.PURPLE) message = "leftback" s.sendto(message.encode("utf-8"), serv_address) time.sleep(0.1) elif 30 < imu0.ypr[1] and 80 > imu0.ypr[2] > 10: lcd.clear(lcd.BLACK) lcd.clear(lcd.BLUE) message = "rightback" s.sendto(message.encode("utf-8"), serv_address) time.sleep(0.1) elif 80 < imu0.ypr[2]: lcd.clear(lcd.BLACK) lcd.clear(lcd.RED) message = "r turn" s.sendto(message.encode("utf-8"), serv_address) time.sleep(0.1) elif -80 > imu0.ypr[2]: lcd.clear(lcd.BLACK) lcd.clear(lcd.RED) message = "l turn" s.sendto(message.encode("utf-8"), serv_address) time.sleep(0.1) else: lcd.clear(lcd.BLACK) message = "stop" s.sendto(message.encode("utf-8"), serv_address) time.sleep(0.1) s.close() |
Raspberry Pi ZERO W(python)
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from socket import socket, AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time HOST = "サーバーIP" PORT = ポート番号 s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM) s.bind((HOST, PORT)) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) MOTOR_A1 = 5; MOTOR_A2 = 6; MOTOR_B1 = 13; MOTOR_B2 = 19; MOTOR_C1 = 26; MOTOR_C2 = 12; MOTOR_D1 = 16; MOTOR_D2 = 20; GPIO.setup(MOTOR_A1, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(MOTOR_A2, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(MOTOR_B1, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(MOTOR_B2, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(MOTOR_C1, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(MOTOR_C2, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(MOTOR_D1, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(MOTOR_D2, GPIO.OUT) while(True): msg, address = s.recvfrom(8192) #print(f"message: {msg}\nfrom: {address}") msg = msg.decode() if msg == 'forward': GPIO.output(MOTOR_A1,GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(MOTOR_A2,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_B1,GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(MOTOR_B2,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_C1,GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(MOTOR_C2,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_D1,GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(MOTOR_D2,GPIO.LOW) #print('Content-type: text/html\n') #print(recieve) print(msg) elif msg == 'backward': GPIO.output(MOTOR_A1,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_A2,GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(MOTOR_B1,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_B2,GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(MOTOR_C1,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_C2,GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(MOTOR_D1,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_D2,GPIO.HIGH) #print('Content-type: text/html\n') #print(recieve) print(msg) elif msg == 'right': GPIO.output(MOTOR_A1,GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(MOTOR_A2,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_B1,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_B2,GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(MOTOR_C1,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_C2,GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(MOTOR_D1,GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(MOTOR_D2,GPIO.LOW) #print('Content-type: text/html\n') #print(recieve) print(msg) elif msg == 'left': GPIO.output(MOTOR_A1,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_A2,GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(MOTOR_B1,GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(MOTOR_B2,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_C1,GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(MOTOR_C2,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_D1,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_D2,GPIO.HIGH) #print('Content-type: text/html\n') #print(recieve) print(msg) elif msg == 'stop': #print('Content-type: text/html\n') #print(recieve) GPIO.output(MOTOR_A1,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_A2,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_B1,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_B2,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_C1,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_C2,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_D1,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_D2,GPIO.LOW) print(msg) elif msg == 'leftforward': #print('Content-type: text/html\n') #print(recieve) GPIO.output(MOTOR_A1,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_A2,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_B1,GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(MOTOR_B2,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_C1,GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(MOTOR_C2,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_D1,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_D2,GPIO.LOW) print(msg) elif msg == 'rightforward': #print('Content-type: text/html\n') #print(recieve) GPIO.output(MOTOR_A1,GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(MOTOR_A2,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_B1,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_B2,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_C1,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_C2,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_D1,GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(MOTOR_D2,GPIO.LOW) print(msg) elif msg == 'l turn': #print('Content-type: text/html\n') #print(recieve) GPIO.output(MOTOR_A1,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_A2,GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(MOTOR_B1,GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(MOTOR_B2,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_C1,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_C2,GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(MOTOR_D1,GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(MOTOR_D2,GPIO.LOW) print(msg) elif msg == 'r turn': #print('Content-type: text/html\n') #print(recieve) GPIO.output(MOTOR_A1,GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(MOTOR_A2,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_B1,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_B2,GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(MOTOR_C1,GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(MOTOR_C2,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_D1,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_D2,GPIO.HIGH) print(msg) elif msg == 'leftback': #print('Content-type: text/html\n') #print(recieve) GPIO.output(MOTOR_A1,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_A2,GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(MOTOR_B1,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_B2,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_C1,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_C2,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_D1,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_D2,GPIO.HIGH) print(msg) elif msg == 'rightback': #print('Content-type: text/html\n') #print(recieve) GPIO.output(MOTOR_A1,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_A2,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_B1,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_B2,GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(MOTOR_C1,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_C2,GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(MOTOR_D1,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(MOTOR_D2,GPIO.LOW) print(msg) time.sleep(0.01) s.close() |